
Islamic funeral

Islamic believes that death is not a termination of life, but a transition to another state of existence, which is called the “afterlife”. Unlike Chinese tradition, Muslims do not spend lavishly on funeral.  No matter how much people gain during their lifetime, their body is shrouded by white sheets after death with no grave goods. Muslims believe there will be a physical resurrection of the body on Judgment Day, and thus cremation is prohibited. Therefore, the body is buried and remains in the grave until the trial comes.

Sharia Law stated that preparations for the funeral should begin immediately, as the deceased must be buried as soon as possible. Burial usually takes no longer than there days, yet is frequently done within one day. Therefore, there is no preliminary viewing, eulogy speech, or ceremony in an Islamic funeral. Embalming and autopsy are not arranged unless required by law.

A Muslim funeral is silent, there should be no talking between the attendants, even the prayers are mainly processed silently. Crying for the dead is allowed. However, loud weeping and wailing are not looked upon well. Muslims generally wear white in the funeral as they believe that white is represented to humbleness and wholesomeness. Traditionally, women are not allowed to attend the burial, but they are allowed to attend in some cities. Besides, Islam believes that “Allah” is the only lord, so Muslims do not worship the deceased and prepare any sacrificial items.