
Handling the remains with infectious diseases

According to the Health Protection Center of the Department of Health, there are three types of corpses. The first category is identified by a blue label and applies to all general corpses. The second category is identified by a yellow label and applies to corpses known to be infected with the following diseases: HIV infection, hepatitis C, coronavirus disease (COVID- 19). Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), Avian Influenza, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (corpses have not been autopsied). The third category is identified by a red label and applies for known infections Carcasses of the described diseases: anthrax, plague, rabies, viral hemorrhagic fever, and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (cadavers have been autopsied).

Our company provides air transportation services for the first and second category of corpses only, buy not process the third category of corpses. When handling with the second type of infectious disease remains, apart from wearing gloves, waterproof protective clothing and surgical masks, nursing staff will wear an additional rubber apron. The remain will first be placed in a thick transparent plastic bag with a thickness of not less than 0.15 mm and sealed the opening with a zipper. We will also provide a second layer of coverage, and then wrap the body with a shroud or put it in an opaque body bag. When dealing with the remains of infectious diseases, we will offer stricter monitoring of the packaging process of the remains and preventive measures to ensure the safety of the public.